Hiddenness of God
Join us on March 21st for a discussion on the Hiddenness of God with Ed Breuninger.
If God exists, then why isn’t He more obvious? Why doesn’t He make Himself know?
The Hiddenness of God is a popular challenge to the Christian faith. In light of such challenges, how are Christians to answer? Why does God often seem so hidden?
Join us as guest speaker Ed Brueninger explores these issues and takes your questions.
Monday, March 21st. 7 PM via Zoom. Join the mailing list to receive a link for the meeting.
Rutgers University Ratio Christi Presents: Deep Questions

About Ed Breuninger:
Ed attended Lehigh University and Columbia Biblical Seminary. He is also currently enrolled in a Master of Arts in Theological Studies program at Liberty University. Ed is a pastor and church-planter in several churches, most recently in The Association of Vineyard Churches. He also owns/operates Progress Technologies, which is an IT services company for small businesses.
Click here to see Ed’s past talk on the Three Fold Fall of Man.
Ratio Christi Rutgers presents — Deep Question Mondays: The Hiddenness of God with Ed Breuninger