Ratio Christi RU
Who is Ratio Christi Rutgers?
Ratio Christi (Latin for ‘The Reason of Christ’) is a non-profit, tax exempt (501c3) organization encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christian students at universities around the world through the use of intellectual investigation while sharing Christ’s message and love to those that have yet to receive it.
We believe that Christians have failed to address the pressing questions of worldview, science, philosophy, history, and the other academic disciplines. Consequently, the Secular Humanist worldview has overtaken the university and the minds of students.
Ratio Christi hosts regular meetings on the Rutgers Campus where students and faculty can wrestle with ideas relating to the intellectual credibility of Christianity by encouraging dialogue and stimulating discussion. Scripture commands us not only to develop our heart, but also our minds (Matt 22:37), and Ratio Christi seeks to help university students fulfill this commandment.

What is the Objective of Ratio Christi?
Simply put – A Renaissance of Christian Thinking at Rutgers University. We want to re-establish a strong and reasoned presence of Christian thinking in academia.
We desire to partner in taking back the mind of the University for Christ. By equipping Christian students we believe many students will not only hold onto a faith that they might otherwise abandon, but they will also begin to stand up for Christianity when it comes under fire in the classroom. Furthermore, we want to train students to be conversational evangelists who can in turn train others to defend and proclaim the Gospel.
Ratio Christi at Rutgers also provides a safe and charitable venue for atheists, agnostics, skeptics, and adherents to any religion to investigate the claims of Christianity, discuss religious beliefs, and seek truth without fearing reprisal. While this is a distinctly Christian organization, any student is able to become a member and learn, debate, and explore the connection of faith and reason.
Ratio Christi is a Christian Club at Rutgers University that seeks to help students develop a deep faith that is their own by wrestling with the tough questions of the Bible, theology, and spirituality that are often encountered in the contemporary world.