The Big Picture: How to Read the Bible and Understand it

SEPTEMBER 14 – Thursday at 8 PM, College Ave Student Center Rm 413

The Big Picture: How to Read the Bible & Understand it

The Bible can be intimidating. Yet worldwide, it is the most read piece of literature of all time.

Written thousands of years ago in foreign cultures, reading the  Bible can be a daunting task. But unlike the impression you may have gotten from grade-school level Sunday School classes, the Bible is not a book of unconnected morality tales. Whether reading the Bible for the first time or not, by understanding the overall story-line of the Bible, the key historical events, and different  genres of literature employed by the various authors, the Bible can come into sharp focus for anyone.

Join us as we discuss how to read the Bible for deeper understanding.

SEPTEMBER 14 – Thursday at 8 PM, College Ave Student Center Rm 413


Ratio Christi is a Christian Club at Rutgers University that seeks to help students develop a deep faith that is their own by wrestling with the tough questions of the Bible, theology, and spirituality that are often encountered in the contemporary world. 

Everyone is welcome at Ratio Christi Rutgers: we are a truly non-denominational club that is open to students of all backgrounds and faiths, as well as those who are skeptical, or professed atheists.
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