Original Sin or Ancestral Sin?
A theological comparison of ancestral sin and original sin by Dr. James DeFrancisco.
Which view is most compatible with biblical theology — ancestral sin or original sin? Watch the video below to learn more about these two related but differing theologies.
Rutgers University Ratio Christi Presents: Deep Questions
This meeting recording was from our Ratio Christi Rutgers meeting that occurred on December 2nd, 2021. The presentation was an overview of various doctrinal viewpoints on the first sin of humanity and the state of humanity after the fall. About Dr. DeFrancisco: Dr. James J. DeFrancisco has attended numerous schools and universities, and has a long list of degrees, including an M.B.A., D.Min., and Ph.D. He is currently an instructor at St. Anthony’s Cathedral House of Liturgical Studies. He teaches courses on all aspects of the Bible, Christian counseling, and various other subjects. He also has taught courses on the Israelite prophets, Syriac language, and Syriac patristics at St. Elias Seminary and Graduate School. In addition, Dr. DeFrancisco is an advanced board certified life and leadership coach, counselor, teacher, and President of Miltha Ministries in Mishawaka, Indiana.
Watch more at: Rutgers Ratio Christi YouTube Channel